The Eastern Youth K-6 football teams will have signups this Saturday the 21st from 1:00 to 2:00 in front of Elementary School for flag and tackle football.
almost 3 years ago, Eastern Local School District
Due to some unforeseen circumstances the bluegrass fundraiser concert we had planned for this Friday evening will be cancelled. We are working with the student's to find a time to hopefully reschedule this event in the fall.
almost 3 years ago, Nick Dettwiller
Summer School Transportation Request Form is now available on the Eastern Website. Please complete if you would like your students to ride the bus for Summer Session 2022.
almost 3 years ago, Brian Collins
The Eastern Local Music Department will be putting on their end of the year, spring concert this Thursday at 7:00pm in the Elementary Gym. Due to Maintence in the high school gym, we will be performing in the Elementary School gym. Please come out to support your Eagles music program!
almost 3 years ago, Shawn Bush
It’s Relay for Life Week!! We kick it off today with face painting!!
almost 3 years ago, Robin Burrow
K face painting!!
Good Morning. Due to High Water and Road Closings, Eastern Buses will not run the following areas today; Dewitt’s Run, Smith Ridge , and 124 from 681 to Nazarene Church.
almost 3 years ago, Brian Collins
Good evening. Please make sure all fundraiser papers and money are turned in to the office no later than Thursday, May 5th. Thank you for your support in helping to raise money for the Class of 2024.
almost 3 years ago, Shawn Bush
almost 3 years ago, Robin Burrow
baby chicks
We have baby chicks in Mrs Wilson’s Kindergarten classroom!!
almost 3 years ago, Robin Burrow
This message is for all 8th graders going on the Williamsburg trip . Reminder that tomorrow, April 27th is our trip to Williamsburg.  Students should arrive at the school no later than 4:30 am.  The bus will leave at 5:00 am sharp.  When you arrive you should place all luggage on the sidewalk in front of the main entrance to the middle school.   Thank you and have a good evening.  
almost 3 years ago, Shawn Bush
Sophomore students have this week left to get as many sponsors and donations in to complete the fundraiser. Remember, all paper and money received need to be turned into the high school office next Tuesday, May 3. There has not been many responses as to who is or is not participating in the fundraiser. Please collect as many donations as possible to make this fundraiser a success. This will greatly benefit the class and pay for future activities such as prom next year. Thank you.
almost 3 years ago, Shawn Bush
Eastern High School Seniors received their announcements for graduation from Jostens on Tuesday, April 19th. However, there was an error with the time of the ceremony. The actual date and time is May 22nd at 6:30 PM. We have contacted Jostens and they are currently printing new announcements to replace the ones distributed. We will let you know when they will be available to you. Eastern High School and Jostens apologize for any inconvenience.  
almost 3 years ago, Shawn Bush
Anyone interested in the following positions should send a letter of interest and resume to Eastern Local Superintendent Nick Dettwiller at: 6th grade English Language Arts High School Math High School Social Studies Tag Coordinator Assistant Principal / Dean of students
almost 3 years ago, Nick Dettwiller
New Member and Information Meeting: The Eastern Jr. and Sr. Model United Nations Teams need to choose a country for 2022-23. This link MUN Nations shows which countries are still up for grabs Eastern Model UN Team Meeting Friday, April 22, 12:30 pm - 1:pm EHS Room 203 In this meeting, we will choose a country, discuss fundraising, summer leadership opportunities, and answer your questions about the requirements of the Eastern Model United Nations Teams Check this website to learn more about Model UN at Ohio Leadership Click here for a peek at Eastern Model UN -- Deborah Kerwood, MSEd Intervention Specialist Eastern Local School District Reedsville, Ohio 45772 740-985-3329
almost 3 years ago, Nick Dettwiller
The Sophomore Class is sponsoring a "No Sales" fundraiser. This is the only fundraiser we will do for this school year, so participation is important. The money raised will be used to help pay for next year's prom. Students will receive information and paperwork along with a permission slip to participate. If you will be participating in the fundraiser, please sign and return only the permission slip  to the high school office. If you will not be participating, please fill out the slip and return all paperwork to the high school office. If you do not attend class at the high school, paperwork will be available in the high school office. will run through May 3rd.
almost 3 years ago, Shawn Bush
All seniors need to turn in a senior picture and a baby picture to Mr. Thompson.  Please do this by May 1st so we can begin working on the slide show for graduation.
almost 3 years ago, Shawn Bush
STEM Night has begun!! Don’t miss out on the fun and educational activities!!
almost 3 years ago, Robin Burrow
Environmental Engineering
COSI Space Box
STEM Night has begun!! Don’t miss out on the fun and educational activities!!
almost 3 years ago, Robin Burrow
Environmental Engineering
COSI Space Box
Apple Tree Estate students will be back on Bus 25 effective this evening and until further notice.
almost 3 years ago, Brian Collins