Jeff Smith, the Training Coordinator for the Marietta Plumbers and Pipefitters Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee will be at Eastern High School to talk to the sophomore class about their pre-apprenticeship program for next year on Tuesday, March 25th at 11am. Sophomores who apply and become accepted would then enter a 2-year pre-apprenticeship program next school year and attend Eastern on Monday - Thursday, and would need to report to the Training Center on Fridays. Completing the pre-apprenticeship program brings students valuable professional skills, and they would be in a perfect position to begin a trade apprenticeship, or pursue other similar fields. Students would also earn the construction industry credential pathway, and would fulfill vital graduation requirements as well by completing the program. This is a competitive program, but all students interested are encouraged to ask Mr. Smith questions when he comes to speak with students. Applications are available in the high school office at this time, along with other general program information. Help us find your "E" today at Eastern High School!
about 13 hours ago, Garret Hall
See the attached flyer for details.
1 day ago, Nick Dettwiller
See the attached flyer for opportunities to be a part of the Appalachian Youth-Led Prevention Council.
1 day ago, Nick Dettwiller
The Appalachian Children Coalition offers a Paid Internship Program. See the attached flyers for details.
1 day ago, Nick Dettwiller
See the attached flyers for information on the 740 Rescue Kitchen Open Table Project and how you can help.
1 day ago, Nick Dettwiller
See the attached flyers and applications for more information. Completed applications need to be returned to the school by April 18th to guarantee free supplies including: Free School Supplies, School Spirit Clothing and Shoes, Community Resources, as well as Food, Games, and Activities.
8 days ago, Nick Dettwiller
Congratulations to Kade Bullington, Eastern 8th grader, for being the Eastern Junior-Senior High School Student of the Month for February. Kade is an honest, hardworking student who goes out of his way to act selflessly each and every day. From holding the door for his entire class at lunch time, to helping someone who dropped their books in the hall, Kade is the embodiment of Eagle Pride. Keep up the great work young man! Kade also received a $50 Walmart Gift Card.
8 days ago, Garret Hall
Attached is the Flyer for workforce skill opportunities relatively locally for Eastern Juniors and Seniors. Programs are typically 3-4 weeks in June and July. Let us help you find your "E" today!
8 days ago, Garret Hall
Eastern Elementary is happy to announce our January 2025 Student of The Month Winners each homeroom! Mrs. Jenkins - Rosealee Powell, Mrs. Rose - Arizona Hammonds, Mrs. Wilson - Levi Gordon, Mrs. Blackwood - Ara Lind, Mrs. Hill - Brooke Butcher, Miss Spaun - Brecken Bailey, Mrs. Atha - Dakota Chaffee, Mrs. Rigsby - Rowan Morgenstern, Mrs. Weeks - Jeremiah Laudermilt, Mrs. Bradford - Lucy Mankin, Mrs. Gardner - Brinley Yonker, Mrs. Pratt - Ora Blackford, Mr. Hill - Emery Riggs, Mrs. Lisle - Solomon DeFreitas, Mrs. Oblisk - Abby Murrey, Mrs. Harbour - Bobby Moore, Mrs. Johnson - Peyton Lipscomb, Ms. Otto - Colson Davis, Mrs. Barber - Olivia Perrine, Mrs. Houck - Cole Carroll, Mr. Morgenstern - Emma Robinson. These students were nominated for showing their Eastern Eagle PRIDE. They were Prepared, Respectful, Involved, Dependable, and Encouraging. They will receive a special lunch and dessert sponsored by PTO.
9 days ago, Sara Will, Eastern Elementary School Counselor
Student of The Month Winners
Congratulations Kyler Basham on placing 3rd at Districts and becoming Eastern's first freshman state qualifier. Congratulations to Gavan Smith on placing 5th and qualifying as an alternate. Go Eagles!
9 days ago, Brock Stewart
12 days ago, Nick Dettwiller
Spring Schedules
13 days ago, Brock Stewart
Roasted Brussel Sprouts Today
14 days ago, Brian Collins
Roasted Brussel Sprouts
Below is a link to the livestream for tonight's Varsity Boys Basketball game. Gates open at 5:00pm. Jackson will charge $3 to park. Tickets will be available at the gate $5 for students and $8 for adults.
15 days ago, Brock Stewart
We wanted to share this message with our school community from Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine: Free quality health care coming to you! Our Community Clinic mobile unit will be parked at the Coolspot Country Market on Wednesday, February 26 from 9:00 am - 3:00 pm. We still have appointments available so feel free to call us at 740-593-2432 to get scheduled! Please let your friends and family know that we have some openings for anyone ages 18-64 who is in need of medical care. Thank you!
15 days ago, Nick Dettwiller
Attn Eastern Seniors A hands on Fiber Optics course will be held from March 3, 2025, to March 25, 2025, Monday through Thursday, from 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM at the Tri-County Career Center in Athens Co. This course is available to high school seniors who are interested in expanding their technical skills. Please take advantage of this opportunity! Additionally, tuition funding is available through Hapcap-QUEST DWG, so this is a great opportunity to get hands-on experience in the field of fiber optics without the financial burden. HAPCAP Contact: Jocelyn Howard,, 740-767-1061 If you have any questions or would like to enroll, please don’t hesitate to reach out!
15 days ago, Garret Hall
On Friday, February 7th, ELSD in partnership with Ohio Valley Bank honored our Senior Students of the Quarter. The honorees were Cassium Powell, Rylan Weeks, and Gunner Gaddis. Once each quarter we honor three of our top senior students by inviting the students and their parents to a catered luncheon supplied by Chef Austin Cole. Representatives from OVB, Tony Staley & Jason Booher, spoke to the students and congratulated them for their accomplishments. Each student was given a gift bag and a certificate commemorating their achievement. Pictured are Tony Staley and Jason Booher from OVB as well as honorees Cassium, Rylan, and Gunner. Congratulations to all of you!
16 days ago, Garret Hall
Congratulations to Emma Putman on her 1st place finish today at sectionals! Go Eagles!
16 days ago, Brock Stewart
High School track practice starts tomorrow Monday, February 24th. Anyone interested in doing track this year, please meet after school in the high school lobby. Bring appropriate clothes to practice outside or inside. If you have any questions, please contact Coach Fogle at 740-590-0483
16 days ago, Garret Hall
Athletics Schedule for the week of 2/23-3/1: Sunday 2/23: Varsity Girls Wrestling Sectionals @ Gallia Tuesday 2/25: Varsity Boys Basketball District Semifinal @ Jackson (6:00pm) Friday 2/28: Varsity Boys Wrestling District Tournament @ Coshocton Saturday 3/1: Varsity Boys Wrestling District Tournament @ Coshocton
17 days ago, Brock Stewart