
Summer P-EBT Benefits

The USDA has authorized summer benefits for all eligible students.  NOT ALL students enrolled at Eastern Local are eligible.  The summer P-EBT program provides families who are eligible for free or reduced price meals with Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits.  The summer P-EBT is not dependent on student's remote education status.  All free or reduced priced meal eligible students qualify for the benefit.  To qualify, students must meet the following criteria:

    * Direct certification or other categorical eligibility category (foster, homeless, migrant, or      runaway) for school year 2021-2022; or
    * Certified through a free or reduced price student meal application for school year 2021-2022; or
    * Enrolled in a Community Eligibility Provision school or school operating under Provision 2 in school year 2021-2022 (Eastern Local School District DOES NOT QUALIFY for this)

You do not need to do anything to receive your benefits.  Eastern Local has already submitted the information for you.  This includes eligible students K-12th grades. 

It is unknown at this time how many P-EBT benefit days students will receive in summer 2022.  To the best of our knowledge, benefits will be issued to the cards that you already have.  If your child has never received benefits in the past, a new card will be sent to you. Exact timeline on when you should receive these benefits isn't known.

If you have lost your card, please call the Ohio P-EBT customer service line at (866) 386-3071.  

This information is only applicable to Eastern Local students.  If your child is enrolled at another school, please contact that school directly to determine your child's eligibility. 

Thank you, 
Juli Hayman

Student Information Services Coordinator
EMIS Coordinator
Eastern Local School District
38850 State Route 7
Reedsville, OH  45772
PH (740) 985-3304  
FAX (740) 985-4318